Our gorgeous classes are designed to support and strengthen Mum’s postnatal recovery. With gentle, focused movement, stretches and breathing techniques we regain strength and muscle tone in the
back, abs and pelvic floor, realign and stabilise the pelvis, and support emotional well-being.
Baby is fully integrated into Mummy’s practice providing a beautiful opportunity to bond and move and laugh and enjoy spending time together. Baby yoga is a wonderful way to support baby’s
growth, brain and nervous system development; it can help to boost baby’s immune system and provide comfort and relief from symptoms of colic and constipation.
Sessions provide sensory stimulation but also teaches relaxation techniques and promotes better sleep patterns.
Classes are suitable from around 6-8 weeks postpartum or from 8-10 weeks if baby arrived by c- section. Each session includes postnatal yoga for Mummy, yoga just for baby, yoga to enjoy together
and time to relax and snuggle down together at the end of our practice. Each session includes time
(either before or after our practice) to socialise with other new mums, have a cuppa and pass the biscuit tin round!
Mum and Baby Yoga
Wednesdays 10.30am
Orton Waterville Village Hall
Thursdays 10am
Nene Valley Community Centre, Peterborough
1hr 30 mins
6 Week Block £63
For more information please email danni@embrace-yoga.co.uk
To book, please complete the booking form and health questionnaire by clicking the link below